Under the Birding menu (above), there is a new posting on “Birding Lewis County”. Rachel Hudson, who is a Board member and editor of the Echo, lives in Chehalis and has birded her county extensively. She has written up a thorough description of the places she loves to bird with all the information you will need to have an enjoyable outing.
Also under the Birding tab is a new entry for Accessible Birding. Theler Wetlands Nature Preserve is a wonderful destination in Mason County. If you have mobility issues, the trick is to know where to enter it. Suzanne Wilson explored the Preserve and has written a piece that explains all that and more.
For music lovers, we have posted a portion of a video we purchased made by the New Brunswick Symphony Orchestra. The section we chose to share highlights a murmuration of starlings set to music. If you haven’t seen starlings in a murmuration, you are in for a treat. It is delightful and will be especially enjoyed by youth. The video can be found under our Youth tab.