All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Deb Nickerson, debranick@nullgmail.com.
TABLING OPPORTUNITIES: Throughout the year we have an informational/educational table at various events. We need some more volunteers to help staff a shift at these. If you are comfortable talking to adults and youth about bird life and our organization, this is for you. You work with others so you can get to know us at the same time. Help is needed at the Nisqually Watershed Festival on September 28th (a three hour shift) and at the Master Gardeners, Growing for Everyone on October 28th (a three hour shift). Contact Stevie Morris stephaniemrrs2@nullgmail.com or Deb Nickerson.
NEST BOX MAKERS: We want to replace old nest boxes and add new ones out at Glacial Heritage Preserve. We can supply plans and reimburse for materials if you have the interest in making boxes. Fred Bergdolt ibis96@nulloutlook.com
EVENTS & ADVENTURES: One of the features of our Annual Dinner is the chance to sign up for special activities through “Events & Adventures”. These provide fundraising and socializing opportunities and are popular with our members and guests. We need someone to take over this subcommittee for the 2025 Annual Dinner. If you like organizing outings and can track details, this is a fun way to contribute. Contact Kathleen Snyder ksnyder75@nullgmail.com
PHOTOGRAPHERS: BHAS has a photo gallery on our website and an Instagram account (Blackhills352). We would love to add new bird photographs to these platforms. Please contact Quentin Phillips at qmp932@nullhotmail.com. He will give you the parameters for what we can use.