All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder or Rachel Hudson
ECHO NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER: We are in need of a person with average computer skills to send out our monthly newsletter. This involves being available at the end of each month and being able to follow a series of steps on the computer. You will be taught the steps and given a manual to follow. We estimate a commitment of four hours to complete each edition. Contact Kathleen Snyder
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Our website would love to post photos from some of our member photographers. We are looking for people to share up to 10 special bird photographs to add to our website gallery. We need the species names as well as the location of the shot. Contact Rachel Hudson
WEBSITE REVIEWER: If you don’t mind sitting in front of a computer and perusing a website, we could use your help with keeping our website relevant, accurate, and functioning. Just look at the content, try the links, and let our webmaster know when you find something that needs attention. This is important as we transition back to live events after being virtual for the past year plus. Contact Kathleen Snyder
ECHO NEWSLETTER WRITER: Do you have a creative itch you are dying to scratch? Some intriguing environmental news or information you would like to share? The Echo needs contributors of short articles. Please help so I don’t have to keep scouring Audubon websites for re-printable content. Contact Echo compiler Charlotte Persons