All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder or Rachel Hudson
BOOK CLUB MODERATOR: We have had one book club meeting so far and would love to put on another. Have you read something worth discussing and would enjoy spearheading the conversation? Whether we can do this in-person or through Zoom, our chapter has many readers who would enjoy sharing something like this. (If Zoom is necessary, technical help will be available.) Contact Kathleen
GRAPHIC DESIGN: BHAS has a “hot line” email to answer questions that anyone (especially beginners) may have about birds. We would like to advertise it with a poster and hand-outs. If you have some skills in graphic design and would like to help in this outreach project, please contact Kim Adelson
MOBILITY CHALLENGED PERSON: Our chapter is working on an ADA accessible webpage to publicize birding locations within our 3 county area that accommodate birders with limited mobility. Can you, or someone you know, assist? If you use a mobility scooter or wheelchair and can travel to various trailheads in Lewis, Mason, or Thurston counties, you can assess locations for our website. You do not need to be a birder – just someone who likes to get outside. Contact Kathleen Snyder