All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder or Rachel Hudson
VOLUNTEERS FOR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: Please see the accompanying article about the BHAS and Capitol Land Trust partnership to offer birding classes to 3rd graders at Johnson Point Inspiring Kids Preserve. Volunteers needed for a variety of jobs. Kim Adelson
BIRD NEST BOX MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING: There are two sets of nest boxes – one for Purple Martins in Boston Harbor and the other for swallows along the Ralph Munroe trail/Evergreen Parkway on the way to Evergreen College.
At Boston Harbor there are 12 boxes mounted on pilings in the marina. Martins arrive from Brazil in April and depart in September. We monitor weekly to determine numbers of birds, nest box preference, start of nesting, and fledging dates.
On the Munroe trail, there are 65 nest boxes used primarily by swallows and chickadees. In the spring we clean out the boxes of old nest materials and make repairs. Swallows arrive around April first; monitoring begins soon after and continues throughout the summer. Bob Wadsworth at 360-561-3317 or