All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. There are many opportunities to become involved at a level that is comfortable for you.
Nest boxes: Our Avian Science coordinator is starting a project to upgrade and monitor swallow nest boxes in the Eld Inlet area, near Evergreen Parkway. He could use folks interested in rebuilding nest boxes and monitoring progress of nesting birds through the spring and summer. Starts in March. Contact Bob Wadsworth
Snacks needed: Does anyone out there love making cookies? Snacks are needed for our program meetings on Thursday, April 2 and May 7. Sweet breads are also appreciated. Let Carla Miller know if you can help.
Newsletter Editor: If you have editing and organizational skills, our Echo newsletter could use your help. This person collects and reads through submitted articles from our contributors and then passes them along to the newsletter publisher. To learn more about this important position, contact Deb Nickerson