All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder or Rachel Hudson
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Our website would love to post photos from some of our member photographers. We are looking for people to share up to 10 special bird photographs to add to our website gallery. We need the species names as well as the location of the shot. Contact Rachel Hudson
ANNUAL DINNER CO-CHAIR: We are once again looking forward to our biggest event of the year, the annual dinner in March of 2022. Sally Nole, our chair for the past three years, would like to step down after this next one. We are looking for an organized person to work with her and then take over in 2023. Are you an outgoing person who loves planning social events? This committee already has great members who take leadership on the many facets of putting together a major event. Contact Sally Nole
MOBILITY CHALLENGED PERSON: Our chapter is working on an ADA accessible webpage to publicize birding locations within our 3 county area that accommodate birders with limited mobility. Can you, or someone you know, assist? If you use a mobility scooter or wheelchair and can travel to various trailheads in Lewis, Mason, and Thurston counties, you can assess locations for our website. You do not need to be a birder – just someone who likes to get outside. Contact Kathleen Snyder
NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS. The Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee, formed in January of this year, needs new members to continue learning about ways that Black Hills Audubon Society can meet this challenge and create proposals for the board’s consideration.