All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, our volunteer opportunities will be limited for some time. The following are opportunities that can be done without being exposed to others.
Bird monitoring: Our Avian Science coordinator and his crew have refurbished swallow nest boxes on the McLane School trail (along Evergreen Parkway). He needs folks interested in monitoring the progress of nesting birds through the spring and summer. Starts in April/May and involves walking the trail.
Also needed are monitors for the BHAS Purple Martin nest boxes at Boston Harbor. Spotting scopes are needed to view them from the marina deck from late April through August.
Contact Bob Wadsworth
Newsletter compiler: Our monthly digital newsletter is in need of a compiler. We have a wonderful group of people who submit articles to the compiler who reviews them and then sends them to a publisher for distribution. This does require being available for a day around the 25th of each month. Need a constructive activity during home sheltering?
Contact Deb Nickerson
Community Science from home: These opportunities are not BHAS sponsored but they will help birds as well as help pass the time.
The University of Washington Quantitative Ecology Lab is running this program to monitor birds in urban and suburban neighborhoods across the Pacific Northwest while social distancing measures are in place.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology needs help putting historical nesting data into digital form. The two projects now underway are on hummingbirds and robins. Zooniverse is the hosting platform.