All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder ksnyder75@nullgmail.com.
ELECTION COORDINATOR: We just had our annual election for officers and Board members. It could have run smoother if we had one person to make sure all the details came together. This is a short term (March, April, May) job coordinating newsletter announcements, website updates, and running the actual vote. Please consider this if you are looking for a volunteer opportunity with limited commitment. Please contact Kathleen Snyder at ksnyder75@nullgmail.com
NEST BOX MAKERS: We want to replace the old nest boxes and add new ones out at Glacial Heritage Preserve. We can supply simple plans and reimburse for materials if you have an interest in making boxes. Please contact Mary McCallum at mccallum_mary@nullmsn.com
PHOTOGRAPHERS: BHAS has a photo gallery on our website and an Instagram account (Blackhills352). We would love to add new bird photographs to these platforms. Please contact Quentin Phillips at qmp932@nullhotmail.com. He will give you the parameters for what we can use.
COMMUNICATION CHAIR: Are you plugged into social media and see the need for BHAS to step it up in that area? We would love to talk to you about doing just that. Please contact Kathleen Snyder ksnyder75@nullgmail.com