All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder ksnyder75@nullgmail.com.
ANNUAL DINNER HELP NEEDED: After five years of missing our annual dinner, we are scheduled to meet again on Saturday, March 2nd (tickets and more information can be found on our website). This will take place at the Olympia campus of South Puget Sound Community College. We need help with setting up and taking down our space. You can volunteer for either or both. Set up is at 3 pm. Take down is after the evening concludes, around 8 pm. Please contact Stevie Morris stephaniemrrs2@nullgmail.com.
PHOTOGRAPHERS: BHAS has a photo gallery on our website and an Instagram account (Blackhills352). We would love to add new bird photographs to these platforms. Please contact Quentin Phillips at qmp932@nullhotmail.com. He will give you the parameters for what we can use.
Photo credit: Penguin in Antarctica jumping out of the water, by Christopher Michel, https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmichel67/11235945713/. Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.