All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder or Rachel Hudson
VOLUNTEERS FOR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: BHAS hopes to partner with Capital Land Conservancy to offer a bird lesson to area 3rd graders at the new Johnson Point Inspiring Kids Preserve (Olympia). If COVID-19 allows, this will happen in the spring of 2022. We need volunteers to man a bird table, create a children’s bird guide, and help with set up/take down. Training will be provided. Kim Adelson
BOOK CLUB MODERATOR: We have had one book club meeting so far and would love to put on another. Have you read something worth discussing and would enjoy spearheading the conversation? Whether we can do this in-person or through Zoom, our chapter has many readers who would enjoy sharing something like this. (If Zoom is necessary, technical help will be available.) Contact Kathleen
BLUEBIRD PROJECT: Black Hills is getting ready to install Western Bluebird nest boxes in south prairie locations and we need help with installation, maintenance, and monitoring. Training will be provided for monitors. The properties are adjacent to Scatter Creek and are lovely habitats to enjoy spring and summer birds. Kathleen Snyder