All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder ksnyder75@nullgmail.com.
EDUCATORS: Now that school is back in session, we would like to get OYAS (Olympia Youth Audubon Society) active again. Do you have an enthusiasm to connect youth to the natural world? We need someone to reach out to youth groups and school districts to arrange field trips. Kim Dolgin kgdolgin@nullowu.edu
ADOBE INDESIGN: If you are familiar with InDesign, would you be willing to be our back-up help? We have one small project that needs finessing at the moment. Kathleen Snyder ksnyder75@nullgmail.com
TECHIES: We are considering a Black Hills Audubon YouTube channel We have videos from speakers and educators. Is there someone out there who has experience in posting videos on this popular format? I would love to hear from you. Kathleen Snyder ksnyder75@nullgmail.com.
PHOTOGRAPHERS: BHAS has a photo gallery on our website and an Instagram account (Blackhills352). We would love to add new bird photographs to these platforms. Please contact Quentin Phillips at qmp932@nullhotmail.com. He will give you the parameters for what we can use.