All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. If you are interested in volunteering in something other than the opportunities listed below, please contact Kathleen Snyder or Rachel Hudson
OUTREACH COORDINATOR: BHAS hasn’t been able to do much tabling at events the past two years but the possibilities seem to be opening up. Do you like meeting people, answering questions, and promoting conservation issues? We need someone to research outreach opportunities and recruit a cadre of volunteers to staff our BHAS table at events. We have the equipment and the handouts ready; we need an organizer! Kathleen Snyder
PROGRAM CHAIR: Have you been impressed with the quality of programs we have been able to offer our members and friends through the pandemic? The use of Zoom has expanded our ability to book interesting speakers from all over the country. We are looking for our next Program Chair to continue these quality offerings. Audubon WA has compiled a speaker list and our previous Chair has sources to share as well. It is a fascinating opportunity. Kathleen Snyder
PHOTOGRAPHERS: BHAS has a photo gallery on our website and an Instagram account (Blackhills352). We would love to add new bird photographs to these platforms. Please contact Quentin Phillips at He will give you the parameters for what we can use.