All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, our volunteer opportunities will be limited for some time. The following are opportunities that can be done without being exposed to others.
Newsletter compiler: Our monthly digital newsletter is in need of a compiler. We have a wonderful group of people who submit articles to the compiler who reviews them and then sends them to a publisher for distribution. This does require being available for a day around the 25th of each month. Need a constructive activity during home sheltering? Contact Deb Nickerson here
Board of Directors: Although our Board is not meeting in person at the moment, we are meeting via Zoom and conference calls. We currently have three openings for interested individuals. Duties include attending our monthly Board meetings (Thursday evenings), providing organizational leadership, and supporting our mission and goals. If you are interested in working with a superb group of conservationists and expanding your own environmental efforts, please contact Elizabeth Rodrick here