All chapter work is done by volunteers for whom we are very grateful. There are many opportunities to become involved at a level that is comfortable for you. Please contact Kathleen Snyder if you are interested in any of the following:
Graphic Arts: Our BHAS tri-fold display board for tabling events needs updating and improving. If you enjoy working with lettering, photographs, and visual presentation, we would love to turn you loose on this project!
Financial advisor: The Ways and Means Committee is looking for one or two folks willing to help make decisions about our organization’s investment strategies and fiscal policy. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Kim Adelson.
Outreach Coordinator: The purpose of this new position is to increase our visibility to the community and to reach diverse audiences which are not part of our traditional demographic. If you are familiar with our area’s many festivals, parades, and other environmental events (or are eager to be familiar with them), we would love to talk about how you can help BHAS expand its reach.