Kathleen Snyder
Spring this year has been challenging – wet and cold. This seems to have delayed nesting behavior in our migratory birds. As a result our project has had mixed results. We have thirteen boxes at the Center for Natural Land Management main nursery and four at their annex nursery. As of the middle of May, we have one nest box with eggs and incubating Western Bluebirds. That is a reason for celebration and we still hope to get at least one more bluebird pair using a nest box.
In addition, we have three boxes being used by House Wrens and four boxes being used by Tree Swallows. Since swallows are rather erratic in their nesting behavior, that number could easily change. Our seven volunteers are doing a wonderful job monitoring the boxes and doing repairs when needed (a grazing cow knocked down one box and Fred Bergdolt rescued it). They have had to contend with some miserable weather to do the monitoring. Thank you volunteers!
Photo credit: House Wren nest, by Fred Bergdolt.