Join Puget Sound Bird Observatory for the 2021 season of the
Regional Wetland Secretive Bird Monitoring Project
We need your help! Whether you have a few hours to offer or would like to take a deep dive into surveying wetland birds across the region, Puget Sound Bird Observatory (PSBO) can use you. We will match your availability with our need for monitors to survey for American Bittern, Sora, Virginia Rail and Green Heron within the Puget Sound area. There will be approximately 200 wetlands that need surveying this season; each wetland has between 1 and 5 survey points with most sites having 3 points. Each point takes roughly 20 minutes to fully survey. The survey window this year is from March 29, 2021 to June 13, 2021 with lots of opportunity to choose dates and locations that meet your availability and willingness to travel. Additional information can be found on the website:
COVID-19 safety protocols have been developed, including delivering full training manuals and remote tutorials for all community science participants.
We highly value the time and talent of our community science participants and will provide thorough training so that all levels of birders can participate. Helping with this unique bird survey effort with PSBO is a great way to learn more about the birds and other wildlife in your local area. Training will include GPS navigation, broadcast surveying, distance sampling and habitat identification.
For additional information about the project or to volunteer, please email Cindy Easterson at or call (425) 876-1055
Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team
Beached Bird Survey