What’s Your Vision for Thurston County?
Take the Comprehensive Plan Update Survey
Thurston County is updating the county’s Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the 20-year growth plan and policy document for unincorporated Thurston County. The plan guides:
- Future land use
- Housing
- Economic development
- Population and employment growth
- Natural resource protection
- Capital facilities
4 Ways to Get Involved
- Learn about the Comprehensive Plan and the topics it addresses at Thurston2045.org. Click on each link to learn what’s in the current plan.
- Take the survey. It includes six short questions and should take about ten minutes to complete.
- Attend the August 5 listening session 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at the Tumwater Library.
- Request a presentation for your group or organization. Contact the project manager at: Maya.Teeple@nullco.thurston.wa.us.
Share your vision and plan for the future of the county. Get your kids involved and have them take the survey– it’s their future and their county, too!