The BHAS Board held an extended meeting via Zoom in August to plan for the coming year.
- With no end in sight for the restrictions on group gatherings caused by COVID-19, the Board agreed that field trips should be cancelled through the end of 2020 and that alternatives should be explored for our annual dinner normally held in March each year.
- In lieu of regular field trips, the Board agreed that a new effort be set up to encourage people to go birding individually or in family groups.
- There was strong support by the Board for our monthly speaker programs to be held virtually through Zoom, starting in September.
- The Board passed its 2020-21 budget with expenses totaling almost $45,000.00.
- All the committees of BHAS sent in reviews of the past year along with goals for the coming year. These reports with integrated with the Strategic Plan which BHAS approved in March of 2019.
- The Major Projects Committee will now become active to vet ideas for our next venture.
- There will be a statewide virtual Audubon Chapter conference on October 2-3rd. Any Audubon member may attend.