In February 2021, we reported that BHAS had installed a Barn Owl nest box (constructed by Dennis Plank) at the site of a barn demolition in Mima Mounds Preserve. In late June, we installed a second nest box at the same site. Michelle Plank Blanchard suggested we check the first box to see if there had been any action in it so the DNR lift operator, Mike Renton, moved the lift underneath the first box and there were three owlets in it!! We were all so happy that the owl family had transitioned so successfully to their new digs. The owlets were old enough to fly out of the box but did make it back to their home later that day. Michelle returned at dusk to see two owlets leave out of the first box and a third owlet leave the new box. It seems that Dennis’ owl architecture is just what they wanted! Many thanks go to Renee Mitchell, DNR Regional manager, for arranging installation.