With the advent of spring and good weather, Black Hills Audubon gets involved in staffing tables at different events being held in our area. Charlotte Persons, current BHAS Board member, and Stevie Morris, past Board member, are seen above at the Bayshore Preserve family event that highlighted a StoryTrail installation on the Capitol Land Trust property outside of Shelton on May 18th. We began the season with a table at the Tenino Earth Day Event on April 20th. On May 11th, our organization staffed an information table at Prairie Appreciation Day (see photo below with Bob Wadsworth and Doug Rogers) and on May 19th, we were at the Wolf Haven Prairie Celebration event. As you see, we have been busy.
Black Hills Audubon thanks the following volunteers for their help in sharing our organization with the wider public community: Charlotte Persons, retiring Outreach Chair, Stevie Morris, incoming Outreach Chair, Deb Johnson, Dewey Fuller, Doug Rogers, Bruce Jacobs, Juanita Kelly, Sally Nole, Elizabeth Rodrick, Nancy Hubley, and Bob Wadsworth.
Photos by Stevie Morris.