Backyard Habitat – One of the best things you can do to benefit birds and our environment is to “go native” on your property. The use of native plants and bird feeders along with a water feature will pay dividends in more habitat for birds and pollinators and less work for you. Below are resources to get you started:
- Seattle Audubon’s “Gardening for Life” brochure:
- National Audubon’s Native Plant database:
- Washington Native Plant Society:
- *WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary certification program:
Litter Patrol – If you love to be outside looking for birds, you have a wonderful opportunity to make a difference. Keep some garbage bags or cardboard boxes in your car along with a pair of work gloves and some hand sanitizer. Take the time when you park at your birding spot to look around and pick up the garbage you see and cart it home to either recycle or discard.
- Check out this United Nations website for some inspiration:
Nest Boxes – Have a woodshop and no project? How about making some bird happy with a nest box? Explore the plans offered at the following website and consult with our Avian Science Coordinator to choose one for our area
- Learn all about birdhouses: