Raptor Monitoring Route in Centralia
Deb Nickerson
East Cascades Audubon Society in Oregon sponsors a Raptor Monitoring Program each winter which gathers longitudinal data on winter raptor populations in Washington and Oregon. There is a vacancy for the East Centralia Route beginning this year. The work entails driving a survey of approximately 50 miles, spotting, counting and recording sightings. Data is then put in to an online form that only takes a few minutes. The mandatory number of counts is three – December, January. and February. Optional are November and March. Driving back roads scanning for raptors is a pleasant morning or afternoon. Jeff Fleischer of Eugene is the organizer of this valuable program. Please contact him directly if you are interested in taking on this volunteer effort. You can also pair up with someone and take turns or go together. Jeff can be reached at: raptorrunner97321@yahoo.com for directions, stops and the data form. Below is the East Centralia route map.
I have done the Rochester survey for a few years now and can answer most questions you might have. I can be reached at: debranick@gmail.com
Photo credit: Northern Harrier, by Rachel Hudson.