After spending a lovely evening outside and discussing the BHAS Book Club’s previous book choice (Better Living Through Birding, by Christian Cooper), it is now time to look ahead to our next book discussion!
Our next meeting will be held at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, November 14, via Zoom, giving everyone plenty of time to find and read/listen to the book.
The book we will be reading and chatting about next is Jennifer Ackerman’s new book, What an Owl Knows: The New Science of the World’s Most Enigmatic Birds. In this book, Ackerman brings current “research alive with her own personal field observations about owls and dives deep into why these birds beguile us. What an Owl Knows is an awe-inspiring exploration of owls across the globe and through human history, and a spellbinding account of their astonishing hunting skills, communication, and sensory prowess. By providing extraordinary new insights into the science of owls, What an Owl Knows pulls back the curtain on the nature of the world’s most enigmatic group of birds.” – (excerpt from publisher’s summary).
Please email Rachel Hudson at to be on the mailing list for the Zoom invite link, which we will send out prior to the event.
Photo credit: BHAS Book Club, by Rachel Hudson.