Janet DeLapp joined our Black Hills Audubon Board on June 1 following our May election. Janet grew up in Paddock Lake, Wisconsin and attended her undergraduate years at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Most of her professional career revolved around occupational ergonomics; she obtained a Masters’ in Human Factors in Ergonomics from the University of Idaho. She and her husband started their own business in 1997 with the dual focus of occupational ergonomics and vocational rehabilitation. That kept them busy for 24 years; they sold it to their employees in 2021.
Janet’s passion is photography, a hobby she started when she was 14 years old. She moved into photographing birds after she retired in 2021. Besides being active in Audubon, she volunteers for the Master Gardeners Foundation both with the nursery crew and at Closed Loop Park. Janet has previously been a Board member and officer – for the Puget Sound Human Factors and Ergonomics Society which is quite active in our area.
Janet’s focus for BHAS will be starting up a program for youth birding field trips. Before Covid, we had a small group called Olympia Youth Audubon Society. Now, we would like to offer bird focused field trips to already organized groups such as Scouts, GREEN Congress, etc. If you know of such a group that might be interested, please let Janet know at youth@nullblackhills-audubon.org. Photo by John DeLapp.