Wow. I really mean it…wow. Friday marked the 2nd ever Lewis County CBC and if future years are anything similar to this count then we truly have something to look forward to.
30 birders covered a circle that includes all of the Twin cities of Centralia and Chehalis and together tallied 98 species which is 6 more than last year. Of those 98 species 17 were new to the count. That list included rarities such as Swamp Sparrow, Black Phoebe, and three Rough-Legged Hawks.
Arguably the best bird of the day was a Northern Mockingbird seen on Lucas Creek Rd. I tried for the bird today and was not successful. That group also drummed up a pair of Canada (Gray) Jays and Red Crossbills. Both of those species are incredibly hard in the western part of the county.
This year also saw an increase in all but 15 species with the greatest increase of any species being a 7000% spike in American Goldfinch numbers. If mild winters continue I foresee a continuing increase. Cedar Waxwings also increased drastically with 4300% more than last year.
The best way to see how much more productive this year’s count was compared to last year is in the total bird numbers. Last year we ended the day having counted 10,095 birds, this year we fell just 103 birds shy of doubling that with 20,087. That’s a good day.
European Starlings took the prize for the most individuals with 3,925. Second place was given to Northern Pintail with 2,231. My group alone had 1,115 of them. Rounding out the top we have Mallard and America Robin tied at 1,287, American Wigeon with 1,216 and Cackling Goose with 1,203.
The count week was also productive. At least one Townsend’s Warbler was seen on Wednesday and today a Barn Owl and a Savanah Sparrow were seen. Although not a count species I did have a Slate-Colored Junco at my feeders today and a Cassiar Junco was seen during the count adding to some diversity for a very common species.
Like every CBC we did have some misses but none really stood out as far as mega misses go. Common Goldeneye, Dunlin, California Gull, Barred Owl and American Pipit all stand out as bird we could have had but did not.
All said the count went phenomenally well. One group reported back with over 60 species and none of them being shorebirds or gulls. Lewis County being a land locked county both of those are hard to come by but not necessary for high species totals.
I’m dreaming of a CBC with over 100 species.
Hope you all come next year and a big thanks to everyone who helped this year.
Dalton Spencer Chehalis, Washington