Lewis County Christmas Bird Count 2024—Thank You!
With an uncertain weather forecast and an unknown number of hidden birds to search for, more than 29 intrepid field birders and 4 dedicated feeder watchers worked hard on Saturday December 21st to carefully document every single bird they encountered here in our Lewis County Count Circle. Some teams had challenging weather, with rain showers and steady drizzles slowing avian activity, while others were able to enjoy multiple breaks in the precipitation. Through it all, our volunteers persevered, and we were happy to find the rainbows in our journeys throughout the day.
We had a total of 19 separate teams (including some solo birders) in the field, covering 25 sections/subsections in the Count Circle, which includes all of Centralia and Chehalis. Though the data is still incomplete, I can say right now that we did very, very well, despite the rain and mild temperatures so far this season. We were lucky to have many section leaders repeat their same survey areas from last year, and we also welcomed multiple new team members to the count, some of whom had never participated in a CBC before. To all the volunteers, both at home and in the field, I thank you, most sincerely and deeply. This count could not continue without birders like you to be out there, be observant, and put in an often-challenging day of work, to find as many birds as you can. You braved the roadsides and neighborhoods, the parks and ponds, the dark forests and winding trails, and dutifully kept watch at your own homes here… You all deserve a massive standing ovation for your efforts. Thank you, CBC volunteers, one and all!!
~Rachel Hudson
Photos: Top, Betsy Norton birding under a rainbow in Centralia on Count Day, photo by Sami Hoag. Bottom, A rainbow descends atop the hill in Chehalis on Count Day, photo by Rachel Hudson.