Legacy Forest on Cooper Point Drive Slated for Clear-Cutting
By Charlotte Persons
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has issued a permit under the Forest Practices Act to clear-cut 20 acres at 20th Ave. and Cooper Point Road. The property borders Cooper Crest Open Space, a City of Olympia park. Since it is on the highest hill of Olympia, the clearcut will be visible from Cooper Point Rd.
The property includes landslide hazard areas and unstable soils that could contribute to landslides onto neighboring properties and city streets, especially during intense rain events or flooding. Slash materials left after clear-cutting can also increase wildfires. This would be the first slash burn in Olympia in over 50 years and threatens nearby forests in TESC and Westside Olympia.
The property includes wetlands, a wildlife corridor and legacy forest with trees over 100 years old. Re-forestation of the property with herbicides, part of the logging permit, could put more pollution into Green Cove Creek, and thus into Budd Inlet. Green Cove Creek is also habitat for protected salmon species and the Olympic Mudminnow, listed in Washington State as a sensitive species.
A group of Olympia residents is appealing the permit and raising money to buy the property. However, logging can begin as early as Monday, June 27, before the due date to file an appeal on July 9.
If you would like to send comments to appropriate federal or state officials or to sign the appeal, contact Cooper Crest Forest Defenders or Charlotte Persons at cpersons@nullyahoo.com.
Photo credit: PNW Forest by Rachel Hudson.