Enjoy viewing the beautiful film “The Land is Part of Us’ as a short overview of shrub steppe habitat and its flora and fauna. Then in the hour-long seminar “Shrub Steppe in Washington” you can learn more details of work by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and its partner organizations to protect and connect patches of this unique habitat. “Waterbirds of Washington” explores a different topic. This ambitious two-hour documentary introduces all our native and migratory species of ducks, geese and swans by focusing on three locations in our state. It also describes the efforts of WDFW and many partners, including Audubon, to find out more about birds’ movements over vast distances and to ensure that these species thrive.
This Land is Part of Us: https://youtu.be/NfhM9vLQD-0
Shrubsteppe in Washington: https://youtu.be/qd-8aP1RNgA
Waterbirds of Washington: https://youtu.be/NY4gYzuZazU