There are 2 parts to this action alert notice.
Part 1: An “Explanatory Statement” of the reasons for the action alert and a copy of the petition being sent to Commissioner Franz and Members of the Board. The petition requests that the board members delay the scheduled December 2nd vote for the reasons outlined below.
Part 2: Instructions for sending the petition (left column) and the petition link (right column).
Since 2013 the Washington Audubon Society of Conservation Committees (WASCC) adopted a resolution to support science-based conservation strategies, planning, and policy for the endangered Marbled Murrelet. Black Hills Audubon has been engaged in the development of the state’s Long-Term Conservation Strategy for this seabird.
Now, finally, the Washington Board of Natural Resources (BNR) has scheduled to vote to approve a conservation strategy on December 2. But there are some problems with this plan.
The December 2 vote doesn’t give the board enough time to thoroughly read and discuss the Final Environmental Impact Statement and the Biological Opinion beforehand. These are lengthy documents (several hundred pages each) addressing complex environmental, social, and economic issues important to Washingtonians. The vote should be delayed until the entire board is fully up to speed.
Additionally, the BNRs vote is likely to support a conservation strategy, known as Alternative H, and not more precautious conservation measures recommended by independent scientists, experts from Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife and the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, and a broad coalition of conservation advocates. The science tells us that Alternative H is not sufficient to recover the Marbled Murrelet population in Washington State.
On October 29, Black Hills Audubon and fourteen other state chapters–representing the entire breeding range of the Marbled Murrelet in Western Washington–signed on to a letter expressing the above concerns to the BNR.
Individual letters are important!
Part 1: Copy of Petition
Dear Commissioner Franz and Members of the Board:
Please consider delaying your vote on the Long-Term Conservation Strategy for the Marbled Murrelet. The scheduled December 2nd vote may not allow adequate time for the board members to thoroughly read and discuss the Final Environmental Impact Statement and the Biological Opinion beforehand.
Additionally, please reconsider your support of Alternative H, which the science shows is not sufficient to making a significant contribution to recovering the Marbled Murrelet population in Washington. More precautionary conservation measures recommended by independent scientists, experts from Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife and the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, and a broad coalition of conservation advocates will better serve the murrelets and the trust beneficiaries in the coming decades.
Part 2: Petition Steps
Step 1 – Petition link is in right column.
Step 2 – If you want to support: Enter name, email and zip code.
Check “ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST” for continued BHAS news.
Check “BCC YOURSELF” for petition copy.
Step 3 – Click “SIGN NOW”
Step 4 – An email will be sent to you to confirm your email address (required to send the petition). You must open this email and follow the directions there as the final step for sending the petiton.
You can read the petition (Read the petition link at top of petition). Note: the phrase **Your Signature** appears at bottom of petition – this is where your name will fill automatically, there is no action required..
[emailpetition id=”5″]
[signaturelist id=”5″]