The 122nd Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is just around the corner. Black Hills Audubon runs two circle counts each year. This year, the Olympia Circle is Sunday, December 19th. The Lewis County Circle is Wednesday, December 22nd. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s counts will be run like last year’s. There will not be teams of unrelated people going out to count. Instead, individuals and family pods will be surveying. There will not be a compilation dinner either. Fingers crossed that this will be the last year for these restrictions.
The surveying will still be robust and extensive. The coordinators can actually cover more territory when individuals, instead of teams, are used. The real drawback is that we need experienced birders to work the surveys. We can’t send out novice birders on teams with more experienced birders as we have in the past.
We are also looking for homeowners who are willing to survey the birds on their property. The properties need to be located within the established circles. If you are interested in this, please contact our coordinators listed below.
BHAS extends our deepest appreciation to our CBC Coordinators, Bill Shelmerdine and Dalton Spencer. There are lots of details and paperwork involved in organizing these events and there is always that last minute “kerfuffle” with which to deal. These guys do an absolutely wonderful job.
If you are comfortable with identifying birds on your own and wish to join the effort, contact the count coordinator for an assignment to an area.
Olympia circle Bill Shelmerdine
Lewis circle Dalton Spencer
This is a fun and worthwhile activity, one that is a happy tradition for many around the country. There is no limit to how many CBCs one can join so please consider helping out with both circles. Even though we have restrictions on sharing this with our fellow birders, there are no restrictions on the joy and the satisfaction that birding and contributing to science bring.