By Sue Danver – On December 10, 2019, Jim Mathieu, the hydrogeologist who has worked for the Black Hills Audubon Society (BHAS) for nearly a decade, presented a report to the Thurston County Commissioners. His report highlighted the serious negative impacts a warehouse industrial center proposed by NorthPoint on what is now Port of Tacoma (POT) land, with a projected 472 acres of impervious surface, would have on adjacent high-quality wetlands at the Washington Fish and Wildlife preserve, the nearby private wells, and Deep Lake at Millersylvania State Park.
The report was written for the County Commissioners and while it has many details, it’s not highly technical. This report gives citizens a better understanding of what is at stake if the area is re-zoned from 1/20 (1 house to 20 acres) to industrial zoning allowing all night operations with lights, truck traffic, pesticides, and air and diesel spill pollution. (link to Report)
Hydrologist Mathieu concludes:
The POT property occupies a substantial area within a high-functioning ecosystem. Developing this property threatens this functioning, which supports both critical habitat for listed species, local drinking water supplies for nearby communities, and recreation within Millersylvania SP. Also threatened are the valuable “eco-services” provided by healthy wetlands, such as storing flood water and maintaining the natural water quality.
Nearly a decade ago, a group of conservation organizations and agencies hired Mr. Mathieu to establish ground water monitoring wells on the West Rocky Prairie preserve next to the Port of Tacoma property to better understand water levels and flows of the area. Now, a six million square foot warehouse complex, much bigger than the current Hawks Prairie Industrial Area, has been proposed by NorthPoint, a company from Kansas City, Missouri. The long-term data from the continuous computer monitoring wells has provided a solid foundation for the water report.
If you would like to sign the Friends of Rocky Prairie (FORP) Petition requesting the Thurston County Commissioners to keep 1/20 rural zoning at the POT property, you can still do so online at the FORP website: Even though you signed last spring, it is valuable to sign again. Many signatures could help persuade the County Commissioners to maintain the rural zoning on the POT property. The FORP website also has maps and an explanation of why it is wise to protect West Rocky Prairie and Millersylvania State Park from industrialization and hazardous pollution.
Please help protect the sensitive aquifers, conservation lands, recreational sites, and rural areas of lovely Thurston County.