Chris Maynard demonstrates his feather tube
One of the Events and Adventures offered at the Annual Dinner was the chance to visit Chris Maynard, local artist and bird lover, at his home where he has “trained” swallows to gather feathers for their nests. Chris collects feathers throughout the year and then puts them into the top of a ten foot tube. He will then blow through the bottom of the tube which shoots the feathers into the air. The swallows swoop down to catch them and then carry them away to their nests. Attendees saw Barn, Tree, and Violet-green Swallows compete for these treasures and folks who wanted could try doing it as well. Everyone was enchanted. The morning included breakfast and a tour of Chris’ art studio where he works a different kind of magic on feathers.
Photo credit, top: Feather Flurry Event, by Beth Stout.
Photo credit: NadinesView Photography.