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Swifts at The Chapman School in Portland
September 10, 2016
Join BHAS in Portland to view the spectacular evening roosting of Vaux’s Swifts at their well known stopover, The Chapman School, in Portland, Oregon. We will meet in the school yard at 5:00 p.m. Look for a BHAS sign on the west side of the school. It will be crowded but I will have a cell phone for communication. A walk through Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge (10 miles east of Vancouver) at 10:00 am. on Saturday morning will begin the day. That gives everyone time to check in to their respective hotels before meeting at the Chapman School. For more information on this dramatic swift event see Portland Audubon’s website and their Swift Watch page, with more info under Festivals. Contact Debbie Nickerson to register at debranick@gmail.com or 754-5397.