By Kathleen Snyder
We all know that holding field trips during the COVID-19 pandemic is a non-starter. And we know that we miss the opportunity to connect with birds, nature and fellow enthusiasts. We can’t do much about making it safe to be with a group but we can help you find birds and get out to enjoy our beautiful area.
Our plan is to post a scouting report three times a month on the 10th, 20th and 30th to our website and Facebook page. These DIY Field Trips will have up-to-date sightings of birds as well as any other information you may need regarding parking, fees, trail conditions, etc. The scouts will be experienced field trip leaders who will “case” their locations a few days before their posts.
Most of the featured birding spots will be within the Thurston, Mason, and Lewis county boundaries. However, we couldn’t resist having our first report from Bottle Beach in Grays Harbor as it is a primo site for fall migration. Whittier Johnson will be our first scout. He will let you know what he has seen there as well as any other information you need to make your outing a success (this will include hints on timing the tides for optimal viewing). Be looking for his report on the website around September 25th.
We would love to hear about your experience as a DIY field tripper. Please post a report on your outing to our Facebook page here. And keep checking back to find out where we will take you next. We will get through this pandemic together with some creativity and adaptability.