Birds are telling us it’s time to take action on climate change.
The fate of birds and humans are deeply connected. If an ecosystem is broken for birds, it is—or soon will be—for people as well. And right now, in no uncertain terms, we’re facing a bird emergency.
Today, Audubon presents Survival by Degrees: 389 Bird Species on the Brink, a new, ground-breaking report that forecasts, in extraordinary detail, the impact climate change will have on North American birds through the end of the century.
Audubon scientists studied 604 North American bird species using 140 million bird records and the same climate models used by more than 800 experts in 80 countries. Our science shows that the majority of North American bird species—even familiar and beloved birds like the Wood Thrush and American Robin—are at risk of extinction from climate change.
But the report also offers hope. It shows that if we take action now we can help improve the chances for the overwhelming majority of species at risk—but we have to move quickly.
One thing is clear: we can decide what the future looks like for the birds we all love. Explore this report and learn what birds have been telling us for years: it’s time to act.