- This is the last Board meeting for Elizabeth Rodrick, Mark McKechnie, and Kyle Leader. The next election for the Board will be at the program meeting on May 12. The Board expressed their appreciation to our retiring members for all their volunteer time and effort.
- Rachel will be the new editor for the Echo, beginning with the June issue.
- The video that Kim and the Capitol Land Trust produced about birds in the Inspiring Kids Preserve turned out beautifully and is being used by 3rd grade teachers in the North Thurston School District. It is also available on our website.
- There will be no change to our current field trip protocols (COVID-19) and we will extend the vaccination requirement to the attendees of our annual picnic in June. The final decision to hold the picnic will be made one week prior to the event; COVID-19 case numbers are once again increasing.
- Bob and Charlotte are working on improvements and mitigations for the proposed Habitat for Humanity housing development at LBA Woods. This has been prime shrub/berry habitat for birds.
- The Conservation Committee is continuing to partner with Audubon WA, the Squaxin Tribe, Department of Natural Resources, and the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group to address the Highway 101 bridge over Kennedy Creek. The bridge is problematic for salmon and wildlife. With climate change coming, restoration is needed.
- Bob will organize an outreach table for Black Hills Audubon at Prairie Appreciation Day on May 14.