The Board discussed the upcoming Board election and By-law revision vote in May. We have two Board members retiring.
The Avian Science Committee has installed one Barn Owl nest box at Mima Mounds with the help of the DNR staff. Two other Barn Owl nest boxes are in the works. Placement of new Western Bluebird nest boxes nearby is being evaluated.
After LOTT Clean Water Alliance was approached by our DIY Field Trip coordinator about ADA access to the Hawk’s Prairie Recharge Ponds, their Board decided to redesign one of the entry points to accommodate wheelchair entry.
The Ad Hoc Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is continuing to meet. Our BHAS policies and procedures are being reviewed with the intent of ensuring they are gender neutral and promote inclusion. A member survey is being drafted.
The first meeting of our new BHAS Book Club will happen on March 23rd, via Zoom, to discuss For the Good of the Order by Tim Ransom.
The Conservation Committee has been busy with letters to a variety of government agencies. A few of these were to: City of Olympia to oppose a road through LBA Woods, Thurston County Commissioners to support the approval of the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan, the U.S. Navy to oppose training operations in state parks, and WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife to support the purchase of 9,600 acres in Lewis and Thurston Counties after the Centralia Mine is shut down.
We have a reservation for the Rose Garden Shelter at Priest Point Park on Saturday, September 11th, for our annual BHAS picnic. This is, of course, dependent on whether state regulations will allow for large gatherings. Fingers crossed.