- The Board voted to join the newly formed Local Good Governance Coalition and appointed Charlotte Persons as our first representative. Their first meeting will be this month and their focus will be on local environmental and housing issues. There will be 11 to 12 organizational members, including BHAS.
- We will now offer a one year Pay-As-You-Are-Able membership rate. This is in addition to our regular and lifetime memberships and will replace the Senior/Student category.
- Our storage unit in downtown Olympia has run out of room and there are three members who are storing BHAS items on personal property. It was agreed to add additional storage to accommodate the overflow.
- The Board was informed of the annual picnic plans now being formulated. It will be held Sunday, June 26th, at Priest Point Park.
- COVID-19 protocols for field trips will be loosened. Starting now, we will no longer have a limit on attendance unless the field trip leader wants one. Carpooling will again be allowed starting in April. We still will not accommodate unvaccinated participants and masks will be an individual choice. These protocols can be tightened if COVID-19 numbers start increasing.
- The Finance Committee reported that we now have a BHAS credit card.
- The Avian Science Committee reported that the bluebird nest box project is rolling along with all the boxes installed and the monitors being trained.