- The Board welcomed Sally Nole as our newest Board member. Her term will run through May 2022.
- It was decided not to change any of our field trip protocols at this time. They include no carpools, limited participation, and a vaccine requirement. However, we asked that Birds and Brew be virtual in January due to the Omicron COVID-19 surge.
- Our Christmas Bird Counts in Olympia and Lewis County were completed and successful.
- The Conservation Committee is working on the proposed Panottoni development near the Olympia airport, the proposed airport expansion, and the Shoreline Management update for Thurston County.
- The Education Committee is currently partnering with the Capitol Land Trust on an environmental education experience for Thurston County third graders. This will happen at the Trust’s new property at Johnson’s Point.
- The Bluebird Nest Project has been delayed somewhat by the snow and rain. However, nesting boxes are being built by three volunteers.