- The biggest discussion centered on Black Hills Audubon becoming a member of the newly formed Local Good Governance Coalition. This group is forming to connect local environmental and affordable housing non-profit organizations with each other. The purpose will be to monitor local government meetings, share synopses of these meetings with each other, and look for ways to improve citizen participation and government transparency. The Coalition hopes to have 10 – 12 organizations plus individual members. The Board decided to do more research on the Coalition and make the decision to join or not at the March Board meeting.
- The Finance Committee proposed and the Board approved a policy in which the Finance Committee can move funds from our checking account to other investment vehicles when the checking balance exceeds a proscribed amount.
- The Board approved wording of a land acknowledgment honoring the Squaxin Tribe of the Olympia/Steh-Chass Inlet area from which our monthly speaker programs originate. This statement will be read before those meetings.
- The Board voted on our Volunteer of the Year and Conservationist of the Year Awards. See the accompanying articles.
- The current field trip protocols for COVID-19 will remain in place for another month. Birds & Brew will be held virtually in February.