- The Board welcomed Stephanie (Stevie) Morris as our newest Board member. Her term will run through May 2022.
- The Board was given an update on the Bluebird Nest Box Project which will involve partnering with the Center for Natural Lands Management to install, maintain, and monitor nest boxes in two of their nursery locations.
- It was decided not to change any of our field trip protocols at this time. They include no carpools, limited participation, and a vaccine requirement.
- Our Christmas Bird Counts in Olympia and Lewis County are on track and will take place on Dec 19th and 22nd.
- The Conservation Committee is working on land zoning issues regarding mega-warehouse plans being submitted to government agencies in Thurston County.
- A number BHAS members will be involved in Audubon Advocacy Day December 7, meeting virtually with legislators.
- A decision on whether to hold a large BHAS gathering in March will be decided by the Annual Dinner Committee in January. The decision will be based on the best available COVID-19 information that we have at that time.