November 5, 2020 via Zoom
- Mark McKechnie joined the Board meeting as a possible new Board member.
- The Crafts, Coffee and Cookies event brought in over $1000 with the sale of crafts from the cancelled annual dinner.
- The Education Committee needs a new chair after Deb Nickerson stepped down. Kim Adelson is willing to teach a beginner birding class this winter via Zoom.
- We have a new volunteer to head up the Field Trip Coordinator position. Rocio Miller is an avid birder and photographer who is near graduation from college with a degree in environmental science.
- The Christmas Bird Counts are still being planned for December 18th and 20th. A final determination will be made by the compilers by November 15th.
- The Conservation Committee has been very active and is awaiting the results of the election to ascertain how the county council will be aligned. On the county docket are the Mineral Lands Ordinance and Climate Mitigation Plan.
- Kim is submitting (by request) an article on local birds and climate change to the Thurston County Historical Journal. It will be published Dec 1st and can be accessed at: