October 1, 2020 via Zoom
- A new laptop computer was purchased for chapter use for around $1000.00
- A new Communications Chair is needed as well as a Field Trip Coordinator.Owing to the cancellation of the 2021 Annual Dinner, the annual awards for Conservation, Education, and Volunteer will be suspended till 2022.
- The Christmas Bird Count compilers for Olympia and Lewis County feel they have the interest and support of enough birders to go ahead with the count this year despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The final decision will be made in November and if it goes ahead, there will not be teams/carpools for it or a compilation dinner.
- The Conservation Committee is still looking for a volunteer to monitor the Shoreline Master Plan update.
- The Olympia Youth Audubon Society featured an Echo article on their longest active member, Dorianne Seel.
- The new nest boxes on the Chehalis Tree Farm were serviced by Rachel and Kathleen. There were quite a few with nests inside.