BHAS has started a new Instagram account. The address is blackhills352. However, you can easily find our new site by searching for Black Hills Audubon Society. We will be using the site to promote BHAS and hope to feature the photography of our members – many of whom are great photographers. Please support our new site by sending us photographs or information about birding events that our membership may find interesting. All photographs will be properly attributed to the photographer. You can send the photograph, video or other information to Quentin Phillips ( If you are not a photographer, you can support us by becoming a “follower”.
Quentin will also be working with Jill Carter, the BHAS webmaster, to reorganize our website photo gallery. If you have any suggestions on how the gallery should look, please contact Quentin at the email above. The existing photo gallery can be found under “Birding” on our web site menu.