New Family Birding Backpacks have Arrived!
By Kim Dolgin
Back in 2017, BHAS and the Timberland Regional Libraries entered into a partnership to provide Family Birding Backpacks to each of their (then) 27 branches. These backpacks were designed to make birdwatching more accessible: we felt that many individuals either couldn’t afford to spend money to buy binoculars and other paraphernalia so that they could try birdwatching or that, even if they could afford to do so, they were reluctant to make the needed purchases before giving birding a good try. Over the next three years, we gave more than 50 backpacks – each containing two pairs of binoculars, instructions as to how to use them, a basic and more advanced field guide, lists of local birds, trail maps, and information about less-well-known local birding sites – to the library system.
They have been a big success! They have been checked out more than 1000 times since 2018. In addition, the packs have inspired other organizations to create their own kits or backpacks that reflect their interests. As Andrea Heisel, Content and Access Director for the Libraries, told me:
“With the gift of these birding backpacks from the Black Hills Audubon Society, Timberland Library patrons have a no barrier way of exploring our beautiful region and promoting environmental education and recreation for all. This project has also led to creation of our Library of Things collection which now encompasses assistive devices, kitchen tools, telescopes, Exploring Plankton kits, and more! Other community partners have taken note and have been excited to work with us on getting patrons out into the natural world, taking care of their mental and physical health, and exploring new hobbies and interests. Timberland Regional Library is grateful to the BHAS partnership and the dedication to environmental education and protecting our ecosystems for future generations”.
Since 2017, TRL has added two new branches: one in Hawks Prairie and the other in West Olympia. This inspired us to make more packs! And so, we have now given 6 new Family Birding Backpacks to the library system: 4 will initially have their homes in the new branches, and two extras to serve as replacements for any packs that get lost or damaged.
The backpacks can be checked out for three weeks at a time and you can reserve them so that you know one is available when you go in to pick it up. They can be accessed by speaking to one of the librarians at your local library branch.
Even if you have your own binoculars and field guides, you might find the backpacks personally useful. For example, if friends or family come to visit you and you’d like to take them birding but don’t have enough equipment for everyone you should consider checking one out. So, please, spread the word that these backpacks are available and take advantage of them yourselves!