Date: Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Start/End: Meet at 8:30 AM and plan around two hours for the walk (though it could go longer if things get interesting).
Location: Meet at the small parking lot by the tennis courts and playground. LBA Park is on Amherst St south off Morse Merriman Rd. Closest address is 3428 AmhurstSt SE (for GPS search).
Description: The walk is through a mix of forest and shrubland providing habitat for a variety of migrant and resident upland bird species. Migrants from the north are starting to come through, and some will remain for the winter.
Trip leader: Bob Wadsworth
The trail is well defined and has mild ups and downs.
Pre-registration for this trip is required. Please contact Miles McEvoy at to register for the trip. Also, please review the Field Trip Liability Form before registering.