I overheard and just had to record these random comments which came from birders at the following field trips: Nisqually Wildlife Refuge, Point no Point field trip, Brady Loop, Christmas Bird Count and Birding and Breakfast.
Ben giving bird song tips: A Hutton’s vireo sounds like an angry cat!
Fifty or so Great Blue Herons were resting peacefully, with little movement on the railroad trestle at Woodard Bay. A discussion ensued as to whether they had all already chosen their mates.
Howard: “Well, there’s not much action out there if they are choosing mates.”
Arlene: “Maybe it’s like they are sitting in a bar, the room is smoky, and they wink across the room, “Hey baby, yes, you’ll do…””
On observing some spring time mating:
Joleen: “Duck sex never looks pleasant, quite frankly.”
Frank: I’ve got a bird that’s submerged like a submarine.
Barry: I think the submarine bird is a Green-Winged Teal.
At a Wednesday Nisqually walk:
While Pete is eating apples….” I’ve been Thorpified.”
Birder A: Look, there’s a swallow chasing a starling!
Birder B: A violet, violent quality.
Birder A: Yeah, you stole my nest cavity last year.
Birder B: European ICE will come after that starling!
Bill: “Oh, oh, oh.”
Several birders in all directions exclaim: “What? What?”
Bill: I’m not sure.
Regarding an upcoming trip two birders are planning to Attu Island:
James: You never know about the weather.
Kevin: Not only do you need good weather, you need the right kind of bad weather.
Observing white winged surf scoters:
“I love that drag queen eye liner.”
Three birders who have gotten ahead of the group:
“That group has a serious look on their face…let’s go back. They might be seeing something good.”
Skeptical birder: “Or maybe the look on their faces is bovine complacency” …. (imitates a cow…)
Karen: I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a male. I don’t even know what to look for.
“Harrier!” Sharon calls and points.
“Just over the barrier!”
Sarah: “How many red-winged do we have?”
Kylie: “A sh*# load”
Sarah: “Think they would accept that on the eBird list?”
Birder #1: “Something just flew into that fir tree.”
#2: “A raptor kind of thing?”
#1: “A bird kind of thing.”