Sam Merrill
Our first BHAS-sponsored field trip in over a year, held on Saturday, June 26, found about 15 folks eager to tour the Billy Frank Jr. National Wildlife Refuge. Due to COVID-19 concerns, we divided into two smaller groups, one led by Jennifer DeSelle and the other by Sam Merrill. Many of the participants were beginning birders or new to our area, so the opportunity to bird with others and to be guided toward what to see was particularly helpful. In addition to the fitz-bew call of Willow Flycatchers and the rising flute-like song of the Swainson’s Thrush, one of the groups found a Bullock’s Oriole, and we all got a look at the tiny nest of the Western Wood Pewee. Also, it was our last opportunity to enjoy reasonable weather as the temperature rose to record levels during the next several days.