Chapter members may elect four officers and up to twelve at-large board members at the May 12, 2022 program meeting at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Members must be present to vote. Any further nominations should be submitted to Elizabeth Rodrick, Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month (except July and August) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The BHAS Nominating Committee announces the following candidates for the Board of Directors who will serve June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.
Officer Candidates
Vice President: Kim Adelson – I’ve been on the BHAS Board for the past 8 years. During that time, I initiated or co-initiated three major projects: Library Birding Backpacks, the “For the Birds!” go-greener campaign, and most recently the hotline. I was Chair of the Finance Committee and currently chair the Education Committee. I frequently teach birding classes and give lectures to both adult and school groups on creating bird friendly yards, the effects of climate change on birds, and bird phylogeny/evolution; I also often write for The Echo. I was a university professor and have an M.A. in evolutionary biology and a Ph.D. in psychology. It makes me happy to give back to birds and BHAS!
Secretary: Kathleen Snyder – I grew up in a hiking/camping family in Northern California and the only unusual bird I remember was the “water ouzel” (now American Dipper) that we would see at Camp Taylor (now Samuel P Taylor State Park). When I retired 11 years ago from Mukilteo Library, I got involved with birding and was president of Pilchuck Audubon Society in Snohomish County for four years. That was life changing as was becoming a grandparent and moving to Olympia to be closer to family. I became Secretary of Black Hills Audubon in 2018 and am also Volunteer Co-Coordinator and Communications Chair. I am proud to be a member of this organization and its great Board.
Treasurer: Bruce Jacobs – I’ve been active in BHAS since 2015, first as the AV person, and then as Secretary. Since 2018 I have served as BHAS Treasurer and am willing to continue in that capacity. I’ve very grateful for the friends that I’ve made and all I have learned, and hope to give BHAS something back in return.
At-Large Candidates
Rachel Hudson – I have been an avid birder since I was a baby; birds were the very first thing I showed interest in, and that passion has stayed with me through all of my 30 years. I have also been a photographer since I was 4 years old, primarily of the birds that I love so much, as well as anything else in nature. I moved to Washington in 2009 and have greatly enjoyed exploring every inch of this beautiful state. I am devoted to the Vaux’s Happening project, of which I have been a part for the last five years, which collects data on migrating Vaux’s Swifts. I was a member of the National Audubon Society off and on for most of my life, and I became a member of Black Hills Audubon in 2019, the same year I joined the Board as co-Volunteer Coordinator. I hope to be able to continue helping BHAS to the best of my abilities.
Sam Merrill – I have been active in Black Hills Audubon since I moved to Olympia in 2004, serving as President from 2008-2013, and since then as Conservation Chair. My interest in birds is avocational, having been fascinated with nature since childhood in Louisiana, as were my parents. As an adult, I have continued my love of birding, hiking, and camping, and sharing with others the natural world. Since receiving a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Yale in 1965, I worked as a mathematics professor until my retirement in 2004, although I continue interdisciplinary research doing mathematical and statistical modeling in political science.
Carla Miller – I have been a member of Black Hills Audubon Society for the last 15 years or so, but just became an “active” member within the last eight years. I have served as the Hospitality Chairperson for the last three years, have volunteered at various events, and have contributed to the newsletter. I try to keep up to date on all things local Audubon and attend many birding trips and activities. My parents were birders and campers, and that tradition has continued in my family. My birding skills are increasing as I learn from the incredible BHAS birders I encounter on field trips. I have loved working in Hospitality at the monthly meetings and look forward to continuing to contribute by being on the board.
Sally Nole – I am a retired Clinical Microbiologist. I worked at Tacoma General Hospital and Capital Medical Center in the Micro Lab doing routine and specialty Micro. I loved the work, because the bugs don’t read the books nor follow the rules. As a child my family lived in Pennsylvania and always had binoculars and a bird book handy. I’ve been active in environmental and social issues most of my life. I am an original 60’s child, through and through, and proud of it. I have been a member of Audubon for several years but wasn’t active until I retired. I keep going out on field trips with knowledgeable people and have learned lots; they are a patient bunch. I have been honored to be the Chairperson of the Annual Dinner for the past several years. It’s a wonderful group of dedicated people willing to step up and get the job done.
Stephanie Morris – “Stevie” Morris flew here from Long Island, NY 3 years ago to join her daughter and her family in Olympia. Retiring from a career as a psychotherapist in 2018, Stevie found herself a single grammy with three grown children who had fledged the nest and started their own families in three different states. After years of being in an organizational position with several non-profits, she hopes to be of value to BHAS. She is definitely new to the fascinating field of birding and appreciates the BHAS members who have taken her under their wings offering beginning birder classes, interesting programs, and serendipitous birding walks. She is eager to help build community connections; to be active in environmental legislative endeavors; to help adults and children enjoy the value and joys of our natural world; and, most of all, to continue with more classes and birding adventures!
Charlotte Persons – I have been involved in Audubon chapters for 20 years. I served as secretary, president and Conservation Co-chair for Willapa Hills Audubon Society in the Longview-Kelso area. I have been a director-at-large for Black Hills Audubon Society for 3 years. I am on the Conservation Committee and help to write comments on state and local proposals. For the last year I have been editor/compiler for The Echo, but I’m about to give that up to focus on being the BHAS representative to the newly formed Local Good Governance Coalition. That group of environmental and affordable housing organizations is beginning its work by monitoring local jurisdictions in terms of land use and financial issues and by proposing solutions to procedural obstacles to accountability, accessibility, and transparency. I will keep BHAS updated.
Bob Wadsworth – I joined BHAS around 12 years ago and have served on the Board for the last 5 years. I recently became chapter Avian Scientist to coordinate various chapter projects to learn, monitor and improve bird habitat. I became a birding enthusiast as a young boy. I got a PhD in forest ecology from the University of Washington. I moved to Olympia in 1978 to work for the Dept of Natural Resources and retired 10 years ago. I volunteer with several environmental organizations in Thurston County including CNLM for prairies, Olympia Stream Team, Native Plants Salvage, Friends of LBA Woods, and Capitol Land Trust. I am enthusiastic to continue work with the BHAS Board.
photo credit: Flock of mallards on pond. 6 March 2021. Wikipedia. KKPCW. Own work